You can quickly extend Azhagi+ to transliterate in any Tamil font by using a never-before-seen feature. It is very small (less than 1 MB) yet power-packed with innovative features.Īzhagi+ has possessed the fastest of all Tamil transliteration schemes, ever since its inception in 2000.
Typing can be effected directly in any Windows application (MS Word, Facebook, WhatsApp, Quora, SMS, Gmail, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Forms/Etc., Twitter, Instagram, PhotoShop, PageMaker, InDesign, CorelDraw, Skype, Excel, PowerPoint, LibreOffice/OpenOffice Writer/Calc/Forms/Impress/Etc., etc., etc., etc.) by the simple press of an hotkey.Īzhagi+ is sleek and portable.
Primarily it helps one to type in 16 Indian languages* but it is easily extendable by the user himself or herself to type in any other language of the world too. Azhagi+ is a supremely easy, fast, unique and feature-rich transliteration software.